#2FAN in the Galleries at Library Square – Art by 5 Artists

Image may contain: tree, plant, outdoor and nature

The Galleries at Library Square, inside the CALS Bobby Roberts Library are featuring five different artists.

Concordia Gallery: Into the Woods: Arkansas Champion Trees by Linda Williams Palmer & Turned-Wood Vessels by Gene Sparling

Celebrating the natural beauty of Arkansas’s trees, artists Linda Williams Palmer and Gene Sparling have created works that highlight the unique qualities of these precious resources. Working in Prismacolor pencil on paper, Palmer has created her “Champion Tree” series showcasing the largest specimens in Arkansas. Sparling uses the wood from native trees to create his sculptural turned-wood vessels that provide another viewpoint from which to appreciate the beauty of the trees.

Underground Gallery:  Inside and Out: Figurative Works, figure drawings by Robert Bean, Jeremy Couch, and Logan Hunter

In this exhibition of figurative works, artists Robert Bean, Jeremy Couch, and Logan Hunter strive to convey the surface beauty of the human form as well as communicate our inner dialogues and expressions.

The Galleries at Library Square and The Bookstore at Library Square participate in 2nd Friday Art Night (2FAN). On the second Friday of each month, The Galleries at Library Square and The Bookstore at Library Square participate in 2nd Friday Art Night (2FAN), a time, once-a-month, when the galleries, museums and businesses in downtown Little Rock, are open from 5-8 p.m. for an after-hours gallery walk. This event is FREE and open to the public.