#2FAN in the Galleries at Library Square – Art by 5 Artists

Image may contain: tree, plant, outdoor and nature

The Galleries at Library Square, inside the CALS Bobby Roberts Library are featuring five different artists.

Concordia Gallery: Into the Woods: Arkansas Champion Trees by Linda Williams Palmer & Turned-Wood Vessels by Gene Sparling

Celebrating the natural beauty of Arkansas’s trees, artists Linda Williams Palmer and Gene Sparling have created works that highlight the unique qualities of these precious resources. Working in Prismacolor pencil on paper, Palmer has created her “Champion Tree” series showcasing the largest specimens in Arkansas. Sparling uses the wood from native trees to create his sculptural turned-wood vessels that provide another viewpoint from which to appreciate the beauty of the trees.

Underground Gallery:  Inside and Out: Figurative Works, figure drawings by Robert Bean, Jeremy Couch, and Logan Hunter

In this exhibition of figurative works, artists Robert Bean, Jeremy Couch, and Logan Hunter strive to convey the surface beauty of the human form as well as communicate our inner dialogues and expressions.

The Galleries at Library Square and The Bookstore at Library Square participate in 2nd Friday Art Night (2FAN). On the second Friday of each month, The Galleries at Library Square and The Bookstore at Library Square participate in 2nd Friday Art Night (2FAN), a time, once-a-month, when the galleries, museums and businesses in downtown Little Rock, are open from 5-8 p.m. for an after-hours gallery walk. This event is FREE and open to the public.

Marching to Historic Arkansas Museum and Butler Center for 2nd Friday Art Night

March 2FAN

It is time again for 2nd Friday Art Night in Downtown Little Rock.  Numerous locations from 5pm to 8pm with free admission and free shuttle to various sites.

Ciara Long: A Different Perspective at Historic Arkansas Museum‘s Second Floor Gallery.
Opening tonight and running through May 4, 2014 – Ciara Long’s art reflects the itinerate life of a military child. Moving from place to place, Long ritualistically sketched the people she met and left behind. “The fragmented lifestyle of my past has directly influenced the way I observe the environment around me now,” says Long.

The body of work on exhibit illustrates Long’s ongoing process of elaborately encoding her observations and has been carefully organized according to place of occurrence, specific moments in time, or specific individuals.

At the Butler Center Galleries of the Central Arkansas Library System –

Featured artist: Judy Tipton Rush is a self-educated fiber artist who studied at the University of Arkansas and came to her avocation from an art background. Her work has been exhibited in numerous juried shows and has toured the United States and abroad. Her work is also included in many private collections.
Featured musician: Tribal Motion & the Motioneers will pair bellydance performances with rhythmic tribal drumming.
Opening exhibitions:

Southern Voices: A Regional Exhibition of the Studio Art Quilt Associates – This show features contemporary textile works related to the folk art quilt tradition. Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the art quilt through education, exhibition, professional development, and documentation. SAQA defines an art quilt as “a creative visual work that is layered or stitched or that references this form of stitched layered structure.” SAQA was founded in 1989 by a group of 50 artists and now has over 3,000 members.

An Exhibition of the Arkansas Printmakers Association – This show features prints in a variety of artistic media by members of the Arkansas Printmakers Association. Artist whose work will be shown include Robert Bean, Win Bruhl, Warren Criswell, Debi Findley, Melissa Gill, Diane Harper, Neal Harrington, Evan Lindquist, Dominique Simmons, Tom Sullivan, David Warren, Jorey May Greene, and Jane Watson.